Fitness, Wellness

How to clean a yoga mat: Basic supplies, disinfection, deep cleaning, drying

Ever rolled out your yoga mat and been hit with that not-so-fresh smell? Or maybe you've noticed your hands slipping a bit during your downward dog because of accumulated sweat and grime? We've all been there.

Keeping our yoga mats clean isn't just about aesthetics or avoiding funky odours; it's about health, safety, and getting the most out of every practice session. Dive into this guide, and we'll unravel the ins and outs of keeping that trusty mat of yours in tip-top shape. Trust us, your future self (and your mat) will thank you!

Source: Pexels

Why do you need to clean your yoga mat?

Ever wondered what's lurking on the surface of that mat you're so fond of? Let's break it down.

1. Bacteria and germs

Each time you use your mat, it's exposed to sweat, natural body oils, and any dirt from the environment. This combination can create an environment conducive to bacterial and germ growth. 

Regular cleaning ensures that you're not practising on a surface teeming with microorganisms, promoting a healthier yoga experience.

2. Odour accumulation

Even if your sessions aren't particularly intense, the moisture and oils from your body can lead to an unpleasant odour over time.

A clean mat not only smells fresh but also enhances the overall ambiance of your practice, allowing you to focus on your poses and breathing without distractions.

3. Prolonging mat lifespan

Quality yoga mats can be an investment, and regular cleaning can significantly extend their lifespan. Accumulated dirt and oils can degrade the mat's material, leading to wear and tear. 

By maintaining its cleanliness, you're ensuring that your mat remains in optimal condition for longer.

4. Improved grip and performance

A clean mat provides a better grip, which is essential for stability in various poses. Accumulated grime can make the surface slippery, potentially affecting your performance and safety. Regular cleaning ensures that you can practise with confidence, knowing your mat will support you.

In essence, regular cleaning of your yoga mat is not just a matter of hygiene. It's integral to a safe, effective, and enjoyable yoga practice. Prioritising this aspect of your routine can make a significant difference in your overall experience.

Understand your mat's material

Before diving into the cleaning process, it's paramount to recognize what your yoga mat is made of. Different materials have unique properties, and understanding them can guide you to the most effective and safe cleaning methods.

1. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

A popular choice for many due to its durability and affordability, PVC mats are known for their stickiness and ability to prevent slipping. They're often denser and can handle a good scrub without falling apart. However, they're not the most eco-friendly option out there.

2. TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)

A more environmentally friendly alternative to PVC, TPE mats are lightweight and often come with a closed-cell structure, making them resistant to bacteria. They're softer than PVC, so they require a gentler approach when cleaning.

3. Natural rubber

Derived from rubber trees, these mats offer excellent grip and cushioning. They're eco-friendly and biodegradable but can be a tad heavier than their synthetic counterparts. It's worth noting that they can have a distinct smell when new, which fades over time.

4. Cotton

Often used for traditional practice like Mysore-style yoga, cotton mats are absorbent and provide a firm grip. They're washable, making them relatively easy to maintain, but they might not offer as much cushioning as other types.

Source: Pexels

Cleaning frequency

Determining how often to clean your yoga mat might seem like a puzzle, but it's simpler than you might think. The frequency hinges on a few factors, and understanding them can guide you to a regimen that keeps your mat in pristine condition without overdoing it.

1. Usage

The most straightforward factor is how often you use your mat. If you're practising daily, a quick wipe-down after each session is a good habit.

This removes immediate sweat and oils, preventing them from settling in. For those who practise less frequently, say once or twice a week, a post-session clean is still recommended.

2. Intensity

Not all yoga sessions are created equal. A gentle meditation or stretching session might not leave behind much residue, while a high-intensity, sweat-inducing practice will. After intense sessions, a more thorough clean can help tackle that extra moisture and prevent bacterial growth.

3. Environment

Where you practise also plays a role. Outdoor sessions can introduce dirt and other environmental particles to your mat. If you're frequently practising outside, consider a deeper clean more often to address these additional elements.

4. Deep cleaning

Even with regular wipe-downs, every mat benefits from a deep clean now and then. Depending on your usage and the factors above, this could be once a month or every few months. It's like giving your mat a spa day, rejuvenating it for many more sessions to come.

What do you need?

Here's a curated list of essentials to arm yourself with. Whether you're giving your mat a quick refresh or a deep cleanse, having the right tools on hand can make the process efficient and effective.

Basic cleaning supplies

  1. Soft cloth or sponge: Ideal for wiping down and scrubbing without being too abrasive on your mat's surface.
  2. Spray bottle: Handy for evenly distributing cleaning solutions without oversaturating the mat.
  3. Mild detergent: A gentle soap that can effectively cleanse without leaving residues or causing damage.

Natural cleaning agents

  1. White vinegar: A versatile cleaner, it's effective for many mat types, especially when diluted with water.
  2. Essential oils: Not just for fragrance! Oils like tea tree or lavender have natural antibacterial properties. However, use sparingly and always dilute, especially for natural rubber mats.

For disinfection

  • Witch hazel or Isopropyl Alcohol: Both can act as disinfectants. If using alcohol, ensure it's diluted with water to prevent the mat from drying out.

For deep cleaning

  1. Soft-bristled brush: Useful for a more thorough scrub, especially for textured mats or those with stubborn stains.
  2. Bucket or tub: For those times when your mat needs a soak. Just remember, not all mats like long baths!

Source: Pexels

Cleaning by mat type

Each yoga mat, with its unique material, demands a tailored cleaning approach. Let's navigate the specifics of cleaning various mat types to ensure longevity and maintain their optimal condition.

PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)

  • Cleaning: A mix of mild detergent and warm water works wonders for PVC mats. Using a soft cloth, gently scrub the mat's surface, ensuring you don't oversaturate it.

  • Precautions: Avoid soaking PVC mats, as prolonged exposure to water can degrade the material. Also, steer clear of harsh chemicals that might strip its non-slip properties.

TPE (Thermoplastic Elastomer)

  • Cleaning: A solution of equal parts water and white vinegar is ideal for TPE mats. This combination effectively cleans without being too abrasive. Wipe the mat with a cloth dampened in the solution.

  • Precautions: TPE mats are more sensitive to sunlight, so avoid drying them in direct sun after cleaning. Also, they're softer, so gentle scrubbing is key.

Natural rubber

  • Cleaning: Mild soap and water will do the trick. After creating a soapy mixture, use a cloth to wipe down the mat. Rinse with another cloth dampened with clean water.

  • Precautions: Natural rubber can be sensitive to oils, so avoid using any oil-based cleaners. Also, as with TPE, keep it out of direct sunlight when drying.


  • Cleaning: The beauty of cotton mats is that they're often machine washable. Use a gentle cycle with cold water and a mild detergent. For spot cleaning, a cloth with soapy water will suffice.

  • Precautions: Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can degrade the cotton fibres. Air dry rather than using a dryer to maintain its shape.

How to disinfect your yoga mat

In our quest for a clean mat, it's crucial to differentiate between cleaning and disinfecting. While cleaning removes visible dirt and impurities, disinfecting targets those invisible culprits: bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.

Especially in today's health-conscious world, ensuring your mat is not just clean, but also germ-free, is paramount. Here's how to do it right.

The disinfection process

  1. Spray your chosen disinfectant evenly across the mat's surface.
  2. Allow it to sit for a few minutes. This dwell time lets the disinfectant effectively neutralise harmful microorganisms.
  3. Wipe off any excess solution with a clean cloth. Some disinfectants, like alcohol, will evaporate on their own.

While it's essential to disinfect your mat, doing so after every session might be overkill and could wear out your mat faster. Instead, aim for a thorough disinfection once a week or after sessions where you've sweated more than usual.

Source: Pexels

How to dry a yoga mat

Once your mat is sparkling clean and disinfected, the drying process becomes the unsung hero of mat maintenance. Proper drying not only ensures your mat's longevity but also prevents mould and mildew growth.

Let's delve into the art of drying your yoga mat efficiently and effectively.

1. Avoid direct sunlight

While it might be tempting to let your mat bask in the sun, direct sunlight can degrade certain mat materials, especially natural rubber. Instead, opt for a shaded, well-ventilated area.

2. Air dry is the way

The best method for most yoga mats is good old-fashioned air drying. It's gentle and reduces the risk of the mat losing its shape or integrity

3. Rolling vs. hanging

Hanging your mat over a shower rod or a drying rack allows both sides to air out simultaneously. If space is a constraint, you can also lay it flat on a clean surface.

Rolling the mat with a towel can help absorb excess moisture, but ensure you unroll it for complete drying.


Navigating the intricacies of yoga mat care might initially seem daunting, but as we've journeyed together through the essentials, it's evident that with a little knowledge and routine effort, it's entirely manageable.

The heart of the matter is simple: your yoga mat is more than just a piece of equipment. It's the foundation of your practice, a silent partner in your journey of mindfulness and well-being.

By investing time in its upkeep, you're not only ensuring a hygienic and safe practice but also extending a gesture of respect to the discipline of yoga itself. Each cleaning session, each moment spent maintaining its integrity, is a nod to the countless sessions it supports, the tranquillity it offers, and the spaces it creates for introspection and growth.

A Special Note: As we emphasise the importance of mindfulness and well-being, we're thrilled to announce our campaign, "Celebrate World Mental Health with Rezerv." In line with our commitment to holistic wellness, we're hosting a giveaway on Instagram and Facebook where participants stand a chance to win one of 3 Exciting Giveaways featuring Lululemon® wellness essentials. 

And guess what? One of those prizes is a premium Lululemon Yoga Mat! Imagine practising on a brand-new mat, knowing you've got the knowledge to care for it perfectly. It's our way of celebrating and promoting mental health awareness while tying back to the essence of this article. 

Don't miss out; join the celebration and elevate your yoga journey!

Friska 🐨

Read next: What is Hot Yoga? What to expect, benefits, and more

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1: How often should I clean my yoga mat?

For daily practitioners, a quick wipe-down after each session is recommended. However, a deeper clean can be done once a week or every couple of weeks, depending on usage and intensity.

2. Can I use household cleaners on my yoga mat?

It's best to avoid harsh household cleaners as they might contain chemicals that can degrade the mat or leave a residue. Opt for mild, mat-friendly solutions.

3. Is it safe to put my yoga mat in the washing machine?

Some mats, like those made of cotton, can be machine washed. However, always check the manufacturer's guidelines. When in doubt, hand cleaning is the safest route.

4. How can I get rid of the smell from a new rubber yoga mat?

Natural rubber mats can have a distinct smell initially. Air it out in a shaded, well-ventilated area. Over time and with regular cleaning, the smell will fade.

5. Can I use essential oils to clean my mat?

Essential oils like tea tree or lavender have antibacterial properties and can be used in diluted form. However, they should be used in conjunction with other cleaning agents for best results.

6. How long does it take for a yoga mat to dry completely?

This depends on the mat material and the environment. Typically, a few hours in a well-ventilated area should suffice. Ensure the mat is entirely dry before rolling it up to prevent mould or bacterial growth.

7. What's the best way to store my yoga mat?

Once clean and dry, roll your mat with the practice side out, and if possible, store it in a mat bag or use a strap. This keeps it clean and maintains its shape.

8. How do I know when it's time to replace my yoga mat?

ASigns like thinning, loss of grip, persistent odours, or visible wear and tear indicate it might be time for a new mat. A mat that no longer supports or cushions adequately can also affect your practice and should be replaced.


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