Tips & Tricks, Industry Updates

6 proven ways to get more bookings for your business

Customers are searching for simple ways to reach your business as most businesses are shifting online more quickly than ever as a result of the pandemic.

Customers are searching for simple ways to reach your business as most businesses are shifting online more quickly than ever as a result of the pandemic.

Thus, in this age of digitalization, relying on an offline booking system is self-sabotage. The only way to adapt is to adopt an online booking option, or risk losing the 70% of customers who prefer to book online.

Allowing clients to self-schedule on an online platform can save you time and help you retain a text-based record of your interactions.

For those who’ve never heard of it, the online booking system sounds like a dream. Customers may book and pay on your website, streamlining the process for them. You'll have less administrative work, less phone and email time, and bookings can come in even while you're sleeping!

The best part of it? This doesn’t have to be just a dream! The global online/virtual fitness market is expected to grow from $11.39 billion in 2021 to $16.15 billion in 2022, and to $79.87 billion by 2026, according to a report released by The Business Research Company.

Even last year, online sales have already surpassed offline sales. That’s why Rezeve offers an online scheduling & booking software so that everyone can easily get a piece of this pie!

Still not convinced about the superiority of online booking? Let us elaborate further. For those who already do, you’re good to go. Just skip this part ;)

Why should your business implement an online booking system?

The first part of that answer should go without saying: more bookings often translate into more income and resources to help you run your business as efficiently as possible.

But why should you want to increase the number of bookings made using online platforms in particular?

1. Effortlessness

Online bookings are a great way to make the most of your time. You can finally focus on the tasks that truly matter. No more phone calls, no more answering emails, no more manually administering every new booking, and no more juggling multiple calendars.

With online bookings, you and your team don't need to be on the phone or in your inbox responding to booking inquiries. You can spend your time on other important things like marketing or even just relaxing!

2. People really want it

Nowadays, online booking is the most preferred method for most people. Customers want to book at times that work for them (yes, even after business hours!) or book without conversing with a single person.

They want a simple, automated process that responds to all of their inquiries and makes them eager to make a reservation without requiring them to pick up the phone or visit your business location physically.

3. Increased revenue

The quicker the booking procedure, the less likely guests are to cancel. The simpler the booking procedure, the less likely guests are to cancel. The less likely guests are to cancel, the more revenue you can get!

With online bookings, guests may receive all of the information they require in their inbox, and you can send automatic reminder messages a few days in advance, minimizing the probability of last-minute cancellations.

Plus, if they don't show up, you'll already have their credit card information on records to safeguard yourself against lost earnings.

How about now, are you convinced that online bookings are much better than offline bookings? Great, because implementing an online booking system is the core strategy of how to get more bookings for your business! Now that you’re ready to go.

How to Get More Bookings for Your Business

Now that you’re convinced that online bookings are much better than offline bookings, let's move on to the next section of how to get more bookings for your business.

Bear in mind that implementing an online booking system is the core strategy of how to get more bookings for your business!

1. Build and optimize your website

We cannot overstate the importance of having a business website in this day and age. However, if your company has made it this far without a website, you may be wondering: do I need a website for my business? What's the point if my company is already thriving without one?

Well in this digital age, having a website will not just improve your credibility and make your business look more professional but will also attract more leads and customers through search engines.

A website will also help you to clearly showcase your services and products. By displaying high-quality photos and corresponding articles that discuss your products or services, you can show potential customers what they'll get when they purchase your services.

For those who already have a website for their business, congratulations you’re one step closer to getting your business more bookings! But have you already optimized your website, such as fixing your domain name, adding a blog with high quality articles to your website, or fixing its UX and UI so it’ll perform better?

If your website is still not optimized, don’t worry about it. To get a professional looking website developed for your business and to optimize it requires expertise. You can work with experienced website designers and developers to get an effective website made.

Rezeve offers comprehensive and cost-effective web solutions to our clients, enabling them to harness the wide reach of the Internet.

2. Choose a dependable booking service provider

The goal is to increase bookings for your business, so it's a no-brainer for you to be absolutely certain when it comes to selecting a good and dependable booking service provider, as the booking service will be the backbone of your booking system. 

When a company has a poor booking system, it’ll be extremely inconvenient for their customers. They might like your services/products and the facilities you provide, but if it takes too long to complete a simple booking, they'll leave quickly.

You'll want to make it simple for consumers to book your services. Choose a booking system that requires as few clicks as possible to confirm, resulting in a better customer experience and less time wasted wading through irrelevant information.

3. Offer various online payment options

Offering multiple methods of payment for your clients makes it easy for them to book on your website. You do not have to provide every possible option; instead, try to determine which ones are most commonly used in your area and for the services you provide.

Also, ensure that your payment gateway is secure so that your customers have confidence in making the payment.

Rezeve provides a localized, safer and more reliable option for online payment.

4. Offer a loyalty program

Another way to increase recurring bookings on your website is to create a loyalty program that offers discounts or other benefits.

You can offer exclusive deals for your customers' next bookings or create special services that only members can book. Nothing keeps customers coming back like knowing that the more they spend, the more money they save.

These programs are not only meant for existing customers, but they can also help you in attracting new ones. People may want to take advantage of your discounts if they hear about your exceptional loyalty program.

Some brands even use referral programs to encourage their customers to recommend the products or services to their friends and family. Current customers receive a discount for each person they refer, and new customers receive a discount as well.

5. Built trust and reputation by showcasing reviews

No matter how sophisticated your marketing strategies, no one wants to make a reservation with a service that has a poor reputation. Online reviews are the simplest way to manage your reputation, which is essential for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones.

Many businesses solely depend on independent organizations to host reviews for them, but these can be challenging to monitor and respond to. 

A review section on your main website gives potential customers quick access to what previous clients are saying about your company. It’s also easier for you to study the feedback and respond to any neutral or negative comments with ease.

6. Create more content in your website blog

To gain more bookings on your website it’s important to take the time to show to your customer that your website is well maintained and updated. One way to do this is to start blogging on your website, the blog can serve as a way to constantly add fresh content to your website.

This will take a little bit more time and effort but if you are able to create valuable content for your customers, they will keep coming back to you.

Rezeve's all-in-one business management software can help you get more bookings for your company. Our specialized platform includes many features that implement all of the tips and tricks in this article and more, such as: scheduling and booking, advance waitlist and cancellation settings, memberships, packages, courses and events.

Rezeve is here to help your business to adopt digital transformation. Hit us up for a demo today and enjoy a complimentary free trial!

Good luck!

Friska 🐨

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