
Adopt these 5 habits to prevent diabetes

Many people don’t know that this condition is largely preventable if you adopt a healthy lifestyle and make small changes to your diet and exercise routine.

Source: Pexels

Happy World Diabetes Day! On this special day, we want to remind you how important it is to start new habits to prevent diabetes. Did you know that type 2 diabetes can be prevented?


Many people don’t know that this condition is largely preventable if you adopt a healthy lifestyle and make small changes to your diet and exercise routine. If left untreated, diabetes can lead to life-threatening complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, eye problems, and kidney failure.


However, by adopting healthier habits, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and stay healthy for longer. Here are six habits that can help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, if you’re at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of your family history or other factors.

Source: Pexels

1. Go for a 30-minute walk every day

The more you walk, the less likely you are to develop type 2 diabetes. This is because regular walking can help to regulate blood sugar levels by improving how the body responds to insulin.


This is important, as insulin is the hormone that regulates blood sugar and type 2 diabetes is typically caused by insulin resistance. When you walk, it reduces your blood sugar levels, which contributes to a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


As you age, your body becomes less efficient at metabolizing glucose. This means that your blood sugar levels are not regulated as effectively as they were during your younger years


A 30-minute walk can help to combat this, so you can enjoy the health benefits of walking even if you’re an older adult. So, no matter what your age, you can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by walking for 30 minutes per day.

Source: Pexels

2. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you to avoid type 2 diabetes. This is because these foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can help to lower blood sugar levels and reduce your risk of developing the condition.


When it comes to vegetables, those high in fiber are best because they can help to regulate blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full for longer. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are particularly good for keeping your blood sugar levels in check.


In terms of fruits, berries are particularly beneficial for preventing type 2 diabetes as they are high in antioxidants, which can help to prevent cell damage. Eating more vegetables and fruits can help you to avoid type 2 diabetes, so consider swapping your sugary desserts for a portion of berries.

Source: Pexels

3. Stay away from trans fats

Trans fats can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, so it’s best to avoid them completely. For this reason, you should avoid consuming processed foods, which are often high in trans fats and contain large amounts of sugar.

Instead, choose fresh, unprocessed foods to help prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. For example, you can swap butter for olive oil when cooking, and opt for avocado instead of mayo when making your sandwiches.

When purchasing your groceries, read the nutritional information carefully to ensure you are not consuming high amounts of trans fats.

Source: Pexels

4. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. This is because regular exercise can increase your insulin sensitivity and help to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

As well as reducing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, regular exercise can also help to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which can reduce your risk of developing heart disease.

Regular exercise can also increase your energy levels, improve your mood, and help you to sleep more soundly. Any type of exercise can help to prevent type 2 diabetes, but those that elevate your heart rate and leave you breathless, such as cycling and jogging, are particularly effective.

Exercising regularly can prove difficult, and if we don't address the friction - or challenge that prevents us from forming a consistent fitness routine it's unlikely that we'll ever succeed. If finding the motivation and not having someone hold you accountable to your schedule are the problems preventing you from exercising regularly, enrolling in fitness classes is a great place to start.

Fitness classes also have varied and unique exercises (such as HIIT, Barre or Bouldering) that’ll make you excited to keep exercising regularly. Getting started at fitness is much easier if you can find one that allows you to book a class using an easy to use fitness software - the less friction the better! 

Read More: With These 5 Unique Fitness Classes in Singapore, You Can Say Goodbye to Your Boring Exercise Routine

Source: Pexels

5. Commit to a healthy diet

A healthy diet is essential if you want to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. This means eating a wide variety of nutritious foods, including protein-rich foods, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

The best foods to eat to prevent type 2 diabetes include fish, legumes, nuts, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. You should also be careful not to over-indulge in sugary foods and drinks, as too much sugar can increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Once you’ve committed yourself to eating a healthy diet, you can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by more than 50%. Doing so can also help to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which are both risk factors of developing heart disease.

Making small healthy lifestyle changes can help you manage and control your blood sugar levels regardless of your treatment approach or type of diabetes. These changes can also help lower your risk of developing other chronic conditions.

Focus on small changes to boost your confidence and motivation when making lifestyle changes. You can improve your blood sugar levels and overall health by making small changes to your diet, level of physical activity, or stress management. Changes can be transformed into long-term habits and routines for a healthier lifestyle.

Read Next: Mental Health Benefits of Exercise in a Physical Fitness Class

Happy healthy lifestyle!

Margarita 🦄

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