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An intro to unique selling points - what you need to know to create your own!

Your unique selling points need to be something that sets you apart from the competition without undermining your brand or product in any way.

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Unique selling points, or ‘USPs’ as they’re more commonly known, are a marketing concept used to help businesses stand out from the crowd. With there being so much competition in almost every sector, it’s important to find ways of making your business stand out from the rest. 

With so many other businesses using their USP to help market their services and products, coming up with your own can be difficult. Your unique selling points need to be something that sets you apart from the competition without undermining your brand or product in any way.

Depending on what you offer as a business, there are lots of different ways you can go about creating your own USP for your business. Let’s take a look at some examples.

Unique Selling Points Examples

Source: Pexels


1. A USP Can Be a Unique Feature of Your Product or Service

One of the biggest ways to create a unique selling point for your business is to find a unique feature in your product or service. So whether your product or service has a unique design or a unique function, you can use this as a way to create a USP for your business.

For example, let’s say that you own an ice cream shop. You could use the fact that your ice cream is made with natural ingredients as your USP. This is a unique feature that sets you apart from other ice cream shops, and gives people a reason to choose your business over the others. 

A unique feature can also be used to make your USP more specific, such as if you sell sunglasses. Your USP could be that you sell designer sunglasses that are cheaper than what you’d find at other retailers.

Or maybe you’re a civil engineer and you specialize in bridge maintenance. In that case, you could use the fact that you’re trained and certified in bridge maintenance as your USP.

Source: Pixabay

2. A USP Can Relate To Price Point

Another way to create a unique selling point for your business is to relate your USP to price point. This is something you might use if you’re in a highly competitive industry, where everybody has something very similar to offer.

At times like this, you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd without being too different from what everyone else is offering. One way you can do this is by relating your USP to price point. You could use your price point as a way to differentiate yourself from your competitors. 

Let’s say you sell meditation music. If you’re in a very competitive market, you might have a hard time creating a USP that makes you stand out from the crowd. However, you could use the fact that your music is cheaper than what other people sell as a way to set yourself apart.

You can also make your price point part of your specific USP. For example, let’s say you’re a web developer who charges $100 an hour. You could use the fact that your services are priced lower than what other web developers charge as your USP.

Source: Pexels


3. A USP Can Be Your Brand Promise

You can also use your brand promise as a unique selling point for your business. Your brand promise is the promise your brand makes to your customers, for example, the promise that you’ll always provide top-quality services. If your brand promise is unique, you can use it as your USP for your business. 

For example, let’s say you’re a wedding photographer. Amongst your other services, you offer photography as a gift as well. Your brand promise is that you’ll always offer your services as a gift to newlyweds who book with you.

This brand promise is a unique selling point that can help set you apart from the competition.

Source: Unsplash


4. A USP is Not Just About You, But Also For Your Audience as Well

When creating your unique selling point, you’re not just trying to sell yourself, but also your product or service. You need to think about what your potential customers want or need from your business and how you can provide that for them. 

Let’s say that you’re a web developer who offers website maintenance as part of your services. Your potential customers are probably business owners or managers who need website maintenance. You can use the fact that you offer website maintenance as your USP because it’s something that your customers want.

Let’s say you’re a wedding photographer and your potential customers are newlyweds who are getting married. Your USP could be that you offer free engagement shoots with all weddings booked. This is a service that customers want, and it’s something that sets you apart from the competition.

How to Create a Unique Selling Point for Your Business?

Creating your own unique selling points is an important part of marketing your business. To begin with, you need to understand that different businesses have different ways of creating unique selling points.

A construction company, for example, might use their strong background as an engineer and their decades of experience as their USP. A fashion designer, on the other hand, might use their focus on high-quality materials and designs as their USP. 

Companies often use their USP as part of their marketing, such as on their website, in their social media posts, and on their billboards. To create your own USP, you need to think about what makes your business different from others and how you can use that to your advantage.

You should be able to summarize your USP in a few short, easy-to-remember sentences.

For example, let’s say that you’re a web developer and you offer website maintenance. Your website maintenance is cheaper than what other developers charge, and you’re open 24/7. You can summarize these facts as: “We offer website maintenance with low prices, available 24/7.”

As a business owner, you should focus more on what matters. Creating a USP may be challenging and it is worth to invest your efforts and time on that. You can save time managing your business by using Rezeve service management software which enables you to create branded website in a snap, manage bookings, schedulings, and loyalty, and accept online local payment.


Creating your own unique selling points is an important part of marketing your business. You need to think about what makes your business unique and how you can use that to your advantage.

You need to summarize your USP in a few short, easy-to-remember sentences. You can use your unique selling points as part of your marketing, such as on your website, in your social media posts, and on your billboards.

You can create your own USP by thinking about what makes your business different from others and how you can use that to your advantage.


Friska 🐨

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