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Help your customers to stay the course with their fitness goals in 2023

As a fitness professional you are very likely a pillar of support for customers hoping to make a positive change to their health.

Source: Pexels

Yet again a new year is upon us. Ah, after a season of binge eating and merry making, many are now committing to those pesky resolutions we feel obliged to make but struggle to fulfill.

A quick online search tells us that better eating and losing weight are still among the top resolutions that people make. Yet, the jury is still out on how effective these are to help us be a better version of ourselves.

A 2022 article on BBC states that only 35%of those who made resolutions, see them through.

How to support your customers to hit fitness goals?

As a fitness professional you are very likely a pillar of support for customers hoping to make a positive change to their health. Here are some scientifically proven ways in which you can support them.

1. Help them frame their goals better

A study from Stockholm University tracked 1066 people who made New Year Resolutions at the end of 2017 and found that those who made “approach goals” i.e. those involving adoption of a new habit are 25% more likely to meet their goals than those who made “avoidance goals” (which involves quitting a habit).

Get your clients to start doing something instead of stopping an existing practice. For example, if a client wants to lose weight, help them make an actionable achievement plan such as “get at least 150 hours of intensive exercise a week” or “Eat a nutritious diet of at least X% fruits and vegetables and Y% clean protein” etc.

Source: Pexels

2. The devil is in the details

We are all creatures of habit but forming a new one takes time and discipline. 

Research has shown that adding a cue to one’s plan helps us remember when to act and to commit to it. For instance, if your client’s goal is to commit to at least 150 hours of exercise in a week, encourage them to plot out when and where. Nudge them to anticipate the excuses they might have and have work-arounds.

For example, instead of just saying “I’ll commit to exercising at least 150 hours a week”, a more effective way to frame it might be to make a detailed plan with your client such as “50 mins Cardio on Monday, 50 mins Strength Training on Wednesdays, and 50 mins HIIT on Saturday”.

Such a plan is detailed enough but also leaves room for variations and adjustments, e.g. cardio can be a swim or a run. This also empowers your client to work towards the planned activity, such as by getting a good night’s rest before a workout.

Source: Pexels

3. Be their cheerleader and shining example

It’s a fact. Spending time around high achievers can boost our motivation and performance. 

You, as a fitness leader, are the best person to share tips and motivations on achieving one’s fitness goal.

While a busy business owner like you may not have the time nor bandwidth to personally engage with every client frequently, there are CRM tools out there that you can deploy to communicate to a mass audience. Consider periodic sharing of tips and advice through regularly scheduled eDMs and social posts.

Some business management tools like Rezeve even have a data and analytics module that can help you identify trends on when people are most likely to reduce their activities or clients who may have fallen behind on their goals. With such data, you can send them a little nudge to jump back onto the bandwagon.

Another important thing to do is make your customers easily to reach you. Providing an online booking system is too good to go. Your customers can book fitness classes right away as well as streamline your gym operations. Book a demo with us now and enjoy 1-month free trial!

Source: Pexels

We hope you’ll find these tips helpful and would love to hear how else you have helped your clients achieve a fitter and healthier lifestyle. Write to us at or keep in touch with us on our social channels.

Read next: How to use automation to save time and cost for your gym?


Nelly 🐙

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